
  1. Create a preset using the jQueryAdmin Admin Tool, by checking "Plugins" => "ClueTip"
  2. Save the preset in the jQueryAdmin presets folder (name it "cluetip", for example)
  3. IInclude the following code in your template or a WYSIWYG section on your page:
  4. Add to class="<classname>" attribute to the links that should have a clueTip, where "<classname>" is one of:
    • clfragment
    • cllocal
    • cltitle

    Example: <a href="#local" class="cllocal" rel="#local" >link</a>
    Predefined options:

    Use the contents of the title attribute
    <a class="cltitle" href="#" title="|Houdini was an escape artist.|He was also adept at prestidigitation.">Houdini</a>
    Use an external HTML page for the tip content
    <a class="clfragment" href="fragment.html" rel="fragment.html">link</a>
    Use the content of a page block for the tip content
    <a class="cllocal" href="#myid" rel="#myid">link</a>
    <div id="myid">Dieser Text wird als clueTip angezeigt.</div>

    Please note: In this variant, the "sticky" option is used by default.

    You may change or add the available options by changing the default.preset file in the plugin's folder.

For more setup options, visit the clueTip Homepage.