ReadMe 1. Templates 2. Page title 3. Download and hyperlink counter 4. Decreasing the script execution time of chCounter 1. Templates ========= The templates define the layout of the counter.php and the whole statistics section. These files, located in the "templates" directory, are plain text files with HTML which are read in by the counter, filled with dynamic data and printed out afterwards. The templates may be easily customized to fit to your needs. In addition to the HTML code the special placeholders (enclosed by curly brackets) and some control structures that occur may be removed arbitrarily as well from the templates. Important: If you use non-ASCII chars within the templates (see, they must by saved in the UTF-8 charset. 2. Page title =========== The counter attempts to detect the page title of each page into which it is included (provided that this feature was not deactivated, e.g. for reasons of performance). The page title can be assigned via PHP (see install_en.txt) or can be extracted from the HTML code. This title will be displayed within the statistics instead of the path of the page. ATTENTION: The counter only scans that file for a title which is requested by the visitor - if the (HTML) page title is swapped out into an inclusion file on the server file system, the title will not be found. If a title is assigned via PHP (recommended!), the counter will not search further for a page title. Otherwise it will look first for the following construct: This is the page title... If this construct cannot be found, the counter will attempt to find the regular HTML title (...). 3. Download and hyperlink counter ======================= Version 3.1.0 of chCounter introduced a simple download- and hyperlink counting functionality. However, this is deactivated by default. To enable it, the following line of the file includes/ define( 'CHC_DOWNLOAD_AND_LINK_COUNTER_ACTIVATED', FALSE ); must be changed to: define( 'CHC_DOWNLOAD_AND_LINK_COUNTER_ACTIVATED', TRUE ); (Save the file and upload it to your server.) Now you can add downloads and hyperlinks at the now displayed categories "Downloads" and "Hyperlinks" in the Admin Control Panel. Additionally, a new rubric is displayed in the statistic area. Attention: The downloads need a complete, absolute URL to the file, too! The chCounter cannot upload new files to your webspace. Counting of downloads and clicks ---------------------------------------- In order to get a download counted, you have to link to the file counter/getfile.php instead of the real download file: counter/getfile.php?id=x As ID, you have to specify the ID which is shown in the Admin Control Panel. With the hyperlinks, it is nearly the same: counter/refer.php?id=y The same with downloads and hyperlinks, the request will be counted and the visitor then redirected with a 301-HTTP status code to the download file respectively the link target. How to display data like number of downloads, name, URL, ... of certain downloads/hyperlinks outside of the counter statistic page (PHP knowledge required) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using the file counter/get_dl_or_link_details.php and the class of counter/includes/dl_or_link_details.class.php, such data can be printed out separately. There is no documentation available, but with basic PHP knowledge and having looked into the code, you should be able to use this class. 4. Decreasing the script execution time of chCounter ================================== If the script execution time of chCounter should be too high, have a look an the following tips and tweaks: - Deactivate unused statistics By deactiviating statistics which are superfluous for you needs, the number of database queries may be decreased significantly. - Disable the automatical search for page titles The automatic search for the page title (see docs/readme_en.txt, 2) may cause a high server load. Using the Admin Control Panel, you can disable this feature. You should use the variable $chCounter_page_title instead (see install_en.txt, 3.2.3). - Page views of the current page If you do not use the value {V_MAX_VISITORS_ONLINE_DATE} within your template file (templates/counter.tpl.html), you may already prevent that this value is read out from the database. This saves one database query per script execution. - Use existent database connection / force new connection See docs/install_en.txt: 3.2.5: Use existent database connection / force new connection